Kayla's Tuesday Thoughts - Happy Physical Therapy Month!

Dear FB family,

Happy Thoughtful Tuesday! How are you holding up? Anything pressing you'd like to release from your mind?

Many of you already know this about me, but I work full-time in the clinic as a physical therapist. My specialty is working with people with neurologic conditions. Did you know that physical therapists are movement experts? We are trained to analyze your movement, whether you’re walking, running, or jumping. In addition to this, we also learn what healthy, natural movement looks like so that we can better recognize faulty movement patterns from head to toe!

To celebrate National Physical Therapy Month, I thought I’d share some valuable tips that have I’ve learned as a clinician with over a decade of experience. Here we go!

1. Your body is an incredible machine. But it can’t always run on its own! Just like any vehicle, your body needs frequent check-ups to ensure it’s working properly. If something in your body feels off, listen to it! Delaying medical attention could potentially worsen the problem and/or lead to other issues in your body.

2. Did you know that the way you walk speaks volumes about your overall health and fitness? Your walking speed, rhythm, and joint angles with each step could provide insight about how your lower body works harmoniously. Even the slightest deviation can affect your walking pattern! Gait analyses are great for picking up on hidden muscle imbalances or weaknesses and are often part of any physical therapy evaluation.

3. For the most part, all movement is good movement! Problems usually arise from repetitive motions that usually lead you to unhealthy patterns. Decrease your chances of developing unhealthy movement patterns by adding weekly mobility sessions into your workout plan.

4. The kinetic chain is everything. Check out this article to learn more: https://www.fitnessblender.com/articles/how-our-bodies-move-the-kinetic-chain-explained. This concept explains why the surgery you had 10 years ago to fix your ankle is triggering your knee pain today.

5. It takes your body years to develop chronic movement patterns that cause pain, limited range of motion, and decreased strength. That being said, improvement in those areas won’t happen overnight! Prepare to put in some work to get the best possible outcome during your physical therapy sessions.

Did any of these tips surprise you? We could talk for days about the human body and all of the things it does for us. What are some unanswered questions that you have about movement and mobility? Let’s start a knowledge thread below. Thanks for tuning in!