New Guided Practice: Breathing Technique for Stress Reduction

Have you ever been taught how to breathe? I know it sounds like a silly question, but we learn most other things in life, so why not breathing, too?

Many of us move through our days not thinking about our breath — that's normal. However, that also means a lot of our days are spent breathing shallow or superficially. While this isn't a problem most of the time, there are times when it is helpful and even necessary to be able to more efficiently breathe. For example, if you're ever really stressed out and your breathing becomes less regular or when you're trying to recover from a tough HIIT workout. In these instances, diaphragmatic breathing is incredibly helpful. 

Deep Breathing Technique for Stress Reduction

Diaphragmatic breathing is the process of using the diaphragm, a dome-shaped muscle in our abdomen that helps control the lungs, to drive the breathing process. When engaging in diaphragmatic breathing, our chest and shoulders are not moving while our belly/abdomen area are. I personally learned this when I was young (10 years old?) and taking voice lessons for my first time. Diaphragmatic breathing is crucial for breath control while singing or playing many instruments. 

This guided practice will teach you how to engage in diaphragmatic breathing to get the most out of your breaths. Give this one a try and let us know how it goes in the real world!